• Definition - A device that controls or limits something.
  • Example - The voltage regulator stopped working and the resulting overload destroyed the device.
  • Definition - A person or group that sets standards of practice, especially those established by law.
  • Example - The voltage regulator stopped working and the resulting overload destroyed the device.
  • Definition - A very accurate clock, used by clockmakers to measure the timekeeping of each newly made clock.
  • Example - The voltage regulator stopped working and the resulting overload destroyed the device.
  • Definition - A gene involved in controlling the expression of one or more other genes.
  • Example - The voltage regulator stopped working and the resulting overload destroyed the device.
  • Definition - A device that controls the supply of steam to the cylinders of a steam locomotive.
  • Example - The voltage regulator stopped working and the resulting overload destroyed the device.
  • Definition - A bulldozer (member of intimidating group of white US Southerners).
  • Example - The voltage regulator stopped working and the resulting overload destroyed the device.
Words in your word
9 Letter Words
regulator 10
8 Letter Words
outglare 9
4 Letter Words
ager 5 aglu 5 agro 5 ague 5 areg 5 egal 5 ergo 5 gale 5 gaol 5 gate 5 gaur 5 gear 5 gelt 5 geta 5 glue 5 glut 5 goal 5 goat 5 goer 5 gore 5 gout 5 grat 5 grot 5 grue 5 guar 5 loge 5 luge 5 ogle 5 ogre 5 rage 5 ruga 5 tegu 5 toga 5 trog 5 trug 5 urge 5 aero 4 aloe 4 alto 4 auto 4 earl 4 euro 4 late 4 latu 4 lear 4 lore 4 lota 4 lour 4 lout 4 lure 4
3 Letter Words
age 4 ago 4 ego 4 erg 4 gae 4 gal 4 gar 4 gat 4 gel 4 get 4 goa 4 gor 4 got 4 grr 4 gul 4 gut 4 lag 4 leg 4 log 4 lug 4 org 4 rag 4 reg 4 rug 4 tag 4 teg 4 tog 4 tug 4 ale 3 alt 3 are 3 art 3 ate 3 ear 3 eat 3 eau 3 era 3 err 3 eta 3 lar 3 lat 3 lea 3 let 3 leu 3 lor 3 lot 3 oar 3 oat 3 ole 3 ora 3
2 Letter Words
ag 3 go 3 ae 2 al 2 ar 2 at 2 el 2 er 2 et 2 la 2 lo 2 oe 2 or 2 re 2 ta 2 te 2 to 2 ut 2