• Definition - An excess, too much.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Synonyms - excess overabundance plethora slew surfeit surplus
  • Definition - That which is swallowed.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - Something that fills up an opening.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Synonyms - clog
  • Definition - A wooden wedge used in splitting blocks.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - A piece of wood used to fill up behind cribbing or tubbing.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - (bricklaying) A bat, or small piece of brick, used to fill out a course.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - An arched opening to the ashpit of a kiln.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - A block used for a fulcrum.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - The broad-nosed eel (Anguilla anguilla, syn. Anguilla latirostris), found in Europe, Asia, the West Indies, etc.
  • Example - a glut of the market
  • Definition - To fill to capacity; to satisfy all demand or requirement; to sate.
  • Example - to glut one's appetite
  • Definition - To eat gluttonously or to satiety.
  • Example - to glut one's appetite
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
glut 5
3 Letter Words
gul 4 gut 4 lug 4 tug 4
2 Letter Words
ut 2