• Definition - A gap, a delay; an interval created by something not keeping up; a latency.
  • Definition - Delay; latency.
  • Definition - One sentenced to transportation for a crime.
  • Definition - A prisoner, a criminal.
  • Definition - A method of deciding which player shall start. Both players simultaneously strike a cue ball from the baulk line to hit the top cushion and rebound down the table; the player whose ball finishes closest to the baulk cushion wins.
  • Definition - One who lags; that which comes in last.
  • Definition - The fag-end; the rump; hence, the lowest class.
  • Definition - A stave of a cask, drum, etc.; especially one of the narrow boards or staves forming the covering of a cylindrical object, such as a boiler, or the cylinder of a carding machine or steam engine.
  • Definition - A bird, the greylag.
  • Definition - To fail to keep up (the pace), to fall behind
  • Definition - To cover (for example, pipes) with felt strips or similar material (referring to a time lag effect in thermal transfer)
  • Definition - To transport as a punishment for crime.
  • Definition - To cause to lag; to slacken.
  • Definition - Late
  • Definition - Last; long-delayed.
  • Definition - Last made; hence, made of refuse; inferior.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
gal 4 lag 4
2 Letter Words
ag 3 al 2 la 2