• Definition - Equipment or paraphernalia, especially that used for an athletic endeavor.
  • Definition - Clothing; garments.
  • Definition - Goods; property; household items.
  • Definition - A wheel with grooves (teeth) engraved on the outer circumference, such that two such devices can interlock and convey motion from one to the other; a gear wheel.
  • Definition - A particular combination or choice of interlocking gears, such that a particular gear ratio is achieved.
  • Definition - A configuration of the transmission of a motor car so as to achieve a particular ratio of engine to axle torque.
  • Definition - Recreational drugs, including steroids.
  • Definition - Stuff.
  • Definition - Business matters; affairs; concern.
  • Definition - Anything worthless; nonsense; rubbish.
  • Definition - To provide with gearing; to fit with gears in order to achieve a desired gear ratio.
  • Definition - To be in, or come into, gear.
  • Definition - To dress; to put gear on; to harness.
  • Definition - (usually with to or toward(s)) To design or devise (something) so as to be suitable (for a particular type of person or a particular purpose).
  • Example - They have geared the hotel mainly at tourists.
  • Definition - To borrow money in order to invest it in assets.
  • Example - They have geared the hotel mainly at tourists.
  • Definition - Great or fantastic
  • Example - They have geared the hotel mainly at tourists.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
ager 5 areg 5 gear 5 rage 5
3 Letter Words
age 4 erg 4 gae 4 gar 4 rag 4 reg 4 are 3 ear 3 era 3
2 Letter Words
ag 3 ae 2 ar 2 er 2 re 2