• Definition - A regular.
  • Example - I've been going to that chat room for months, and I know most of the regs by now.
  • Definition - A regulation.
  • Example - I've been going to that chat room for months, and I know most of the regs by now.
  • Definition - Registrar
  • Example - I've been going to that chat room for months, and I know most of the regs by now.
  • Definition - Registration
  • Example - I've been going to that chat room for months, and I know most of the regs by now.
  • Definition - Registry
  • Example - I've been going to that chat room for months, and I know most of the regs by now.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
erg 4 reg 4
2 Letter Words
er 2 re 2