• Definition - To cause a blot (on something) by spilling a coloured substance.
  • Definition - To soak up or absorb liquid.
  • Example - This paper blots easily.
  • Definition - To dry (writing, etc.) with blotting paper.
  • Example - This paper blots easily.
  • Definition - To spot, stain, or bespatter, as with ink.
  • Example - This paper blots easily.
  • Definition - To impair; to damage; to mar; to soil.
  • Example - This paper blots easily.
  • Definition - To stain with infamy; to disgrace.
  • Example - This paper blots easily.
  • Definition - To obliterate, as writing with ink; to cancel; to efface; generally with out.
  • Example - to blot out a word or a sentence
  • Definition - To obscure; to eclipse; to shadow.
  • Example - to blot out a word or a sentence
  • Definition - A blot; a stain.
  • Example - to blot out a word or a sentence
  • Definition - The process by which something is blotted.
  • Example - to blot out a word or a sentence
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
blotting 11 bottling 11
7 Letter Words
biltong 10 bolting 10 lotting 8
6 Letter Words
globin 9 goblin 9 tiglon 7 toling 7 toting 7
5 Letter Words
bigot 8 bingo 8 bling 8 boing 8 biont 7 glint 6 ingot 6 lingo 6 login 6 tigon 6
4 Letter Words
bing 7 biog 7 blog 7 bong 7 glib 7 glob 7 bint 6 bitt 6 blin 6 blot 6 boil 6 bolt 6 bott 6 obit 6 gilt 5 ling 5 long 5 ting 5 tong 5 into 4 lino 4 lint 4 lion 4 loin 4 loti 4 noil 4 tilt 4 tint 4 toil 4 toit 4 tolt 4
3 Letter Words
big 6 bog 6 gib 6 gob 6 bin 5 bio 5 bit 5 bot 5 lib 5 lob 5 nib 5 nob 5 obi 5 gin 4 git 4 got 4 log 4 nog 4 tog 4 ion 3 lin 3 lit 3 lot 3 nil 3 nit 3 not 3 oil 3 til 3 tin 3 tit 3 ton 3 tot 3
2 Letter Words
bi 4 bo 4 gi 3 go 3 in 2 it 2 li 2 lo 2 no 2 oi 2 on 2 ti 2 to 2