• Definition - A unary operation on logical values that changes true to false, and false to true.
  • Definition - Negates the meaning of the modified verb.
  • Example - Did you take out the trash? No, I did not.
  • Definition - To no degree.
  • Example - It's not you, it's me.
  • Definition - (understatement, litotes) Used to modify superlatives to indicate the opposite or near opposite, often in a form of understatement.
  • Example - It was not my favorite movie of all time.
  • Definition - And not.
  • Example - He painted the car blue and black, not solid purple.
  • Definition - (1990s) Used to indicate that the previous phrase was meant sarcastically or ironically.
  • Example - I really like hanging out with my little brother watching Barney... not!
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
not 3 ton 3
2 Letter Words
no 2 on 2 to 2