• Definition - Someone or something that is large in stature
  • Definition - An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a big name.
  • Definition - (as plural) The big leagues, big time.
  • Definition - (BDSM) The participant in ageplay who acts out the older role.
  • Definition - To praise, recommend, or promote.
  • Definition - Of great size, large.
  • Example - Elephants are big animals, and they eat a lot.
  • Synonyms - ample huge jumbo large massive sizeable stoor
  • Definition - (of an industry or other field, often capitalized) Thought to have undue influence.
  • Example - Big Tech
  • Definition - Popular.
  • Example - That style is very big right now in Europe, especially among teenagers.
  • Synonyms - all the rage in demand well liked
  • Definition - Adult.
  • Example - Kids should get help from big people if they want to use the kitchen.
  • Synonyms - adult fully grown grown up
  • Definition - Fat.
  • Example - Gosh, she is big!
  • Synonyms - chubby plus-size rotund
  • Definition - Important or significant.
  • Example - What's so big about that? I do it all the time.
  • Synonyms - essential paramount weighty
  • Definition - (with on) Enthusiastic (about).
  • Example - I'm not big on the idea, but if you want to go ahead with it, I won't stop you.
  • Synonyms - fanatical mad worked up
  • Definition - Mature, conscientious, principled; generous.
  • Example - I tried to be the bigger person and just let it go, but I couldn't help myself.
  • Definition - Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.
  • Example - Whoa, Nadia has gotten pretty big since she hit puberty.
  • Synonyms - busty macromastic stacked
  • Definition - (sometimes figurative) Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.
  • Example - She was big with child.
  • Synonyms - full great heavy
  • Definition - Used as an intensifier, especially of negative-valence nouns
  • Example - You are a big liar.  Why are you in such a big hurry?
  • Definition - (of a city) populous
  • Example - You are a big liar.  Why are you in such a big hurry?
  • Definition - (of somebody's age) old, mature. Used to imply that somebody is too old for something, or acting immaturely.
  • Example - You are a big liar.  Why are you in such a big hurry?
  • Definition - In a loud manner.
  • Example - You are a big liar.  Why are you in such a big hurry?
  • Definition - In a boasting manner.
  • Example - He's always talking big, but he never delivers.
  • Definition - In a large amount or to a large extent.
  • Example - He won big betting on the croquet championship.
  • Definition - On a large scale, expansively.
  • Example - You've got to think big to succeed at Amalgamated Plumbing.
  • Definition - Hard.
  • Example - He hit him big and the guy just crumpled.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
big 6 gib 6
2 Letter Words
bi 4 gi 3