• Definition - An area of decayed vegetation (particularly sphagnum moss) which forms a wet spongy ground too soft for walking; a marsh or swamp.
  • Definition - Confusion, difficulty, or any other thing or place that impedes progress in the manner of such areas.
  • Definition - The acidic soil of such areas, principally composed of peat; marshland, swampland.
  • Definition - A place to defecate: originally specifically a latrine or outhouse but now used for any toilet.
  • Definition - An act or instance of defecation.
  • Definition - A little elevated spot or clump of earth, roots, and grass, in a marsh or swamp.
  • Definition - (now often with "down") To sink or submerge someone or something into bogland.
  • Definition - To prevent or slow someone or something from making progress.
  • Definition - (now often with "down") To sink and stick in bogland.
  • Definition - To be prevented or impeded from making progress, to become stuck.
  • Definition - (originally vulgar Britain) To defecate, to void one's bowels.
  • Definition - (originally vulgar Britain) To cover or spray with excrement.
  • Definition - To make a mess of something.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
bog 6 gob 6
2 Letter Words
bo 4 go 3