• Definition - A game of chance for two or more players, who mark off numbers on a grid as they are announced by the caller; the game is won by the first person to call out "bingo!" or "house!" after crossing off all numbers on the grid or in one line of the grid.
  • Definition - A win in such a game.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - (Scrabble) A play where all seven of a player's letter tiles are played.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - To play the game of bingo.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - To give the winning cry of "bingo!" in a game.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - To play all of one's seven tiles in one move in the game of Scrabble, earning a score bonus.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - To return to base.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - Just sufficient to return to base (or, alternatively, to divert to an alternative airfield). (also written Bingo or BINGO)
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - Used by players of bingo to claim a win.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - Used when finding what one has been looking for or trying to recall, or on successful completion of a task.
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
  • Definition - Used to declare "You've just made my point!" or "My point exactly!"
  • Example - There were two bingos in the last game, so the players split the prize money.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
bingo 8 boing 8
4 Letter Words
bing 7 biog 7 bong 7
3 Letter Words
big 6 bog 6 gib 6 gob 6 bin 5 bio 5 nib 5 nob 5 obi 5 gin 4 nog 4 ion 3
2 Letter Words
bi 4 bo 4 gi 3 go 3 in 2 no 2 oi 2 on 2