• Definition - To separate; to disengage.
  • Definition - To remove; to take away; withdraw.
  • Definition - To steal; to take away; to remove without permission.
  • Definition - To summarize; to abridge; to epitomize.
  • Definition - To conceptualize an ideal subgroup by means of the generalization of an attribute, as follows: by apprehending an attribute inherent to one individual, then separating that attribute and contemplating it by itself, then conceiving of that attribute as a general quality, then despecifying that conceived quality with respect to several or many individuals, and by then ideating a group composed of those individuals perceived to possess said quality.
  • Definition - To extract by means of distillation.
  • Definition - To consider abstractly; to contemplate separately or by itself; to consider theoretically; to look at as a general quality.
  • Definition - To withdraw oneself; to retire.
  • Definition - To draw off (interest or attention).
  • Example - He was wholly abstracted by other objects.
  • Definition - To perform the process of abstraction.
  • Example - He was wholly abstracted by other objects.
  • Definition - To create abstractions.
  • Example - He was wholly abstracted by other objects.
  • Definition - To produce an abstraction, usually by refactoring existing code. Generally used with "out".
  • Example - He abstracted out the square root function.
  • Definition - Separated or disconnected; withdrawn; removed; apart.
  • Example - He abstracted out the square root function.
  • Definition - Separated from matter; abstract; ideal, not concrete.
  • Example - He abstracted out the square root function.
  • Definition - Abstract; abstruse; difficult.
  • Example - He abstracted out the square root function.
  • Definition - Inattentive to surrounding objects; absent in mind; meditative.
  • Example - abstracted scholar...
Words in your word
10 Letter Words
abstracted 15
9 Letter Words
cabrettas 13 castrated 12
8 Letter Words
abreacts 12 abstract 12 bearcats 12 cabarets 12 cabresta 12 cabretta 12 cadaster 11 cadastre 11 detracts 11 castrate 10 tabarets 10 teacarts 10
4 Letter Words
cabs 8 carb 8 crab 8 scab 8 abed 7 aced 7 bade 7 bads 7 bard 7 bead 7 beds 7 brad 7 bred 7 cade 7 cads 7 card 7 cred 7 dabs 7 dace 7 darb 7 debs 7 debt 7 drab 7 scad 7 abas 6 abet 6 aces 6 acre 6 acta 6 acts 6 arbs 6 arcs 6 baas 6 bare 6 bars 6 base 6 bast 6 bate 6 bats 6 batt 6 bear 6 beat 6 best 6 beta 6 bets 6 brae 6 bras 6 brat 6 care 6 cars 6
3 Letter Words
cab 7 bad 6 bed 6 cad 6 dab 6 deb 6 aba 5 abs 5 ace 5 act 5 arb 5 arc 5 baa 5 bar 5 bas 5 bat 5 bes 5 bet 5 bra 5 car 5 cat 5 reb 5 rec 5 sab 5 sac 5 sec 5 tab 5 tec 5 ads 4 das 4 eds 4 rad 4 red 4 sad 4 tad 4 ted 4 aas 3 are 3 ars 3 art 3 ate 3 att 3 ear 3 eat 3 era 3 ers 3 est 3 eta 3 ras 3 rat 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 aa 2 ae 2 ar 2 as 2 at 2 er 2 es 2 et 2 re 2 ta 2 te 2