• Definition - A stroke; a blow.
  • Definition - A pulsation or throb.
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - A rhythm.
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - The interference between two tones of almost equal frequency
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - (authorship) A short pause in a play, screenplay, or teleplay, for dramatic or comedic effect; a plot point or story development.
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - The route patrolled by a police officer or a guard.
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - (by extension) An area of a person's responsibility, especially
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - An act of reporting news or scientific results before a rival; a scoop.
  • Example - a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
  • Definition - That which beats, or surpasses, another or others.
  • Example - the beat of him
  • Definition - A precinct.
  • Example - the beat of him
  • Definition - A place of habitual or frequent resort.
  • Example - the beat of him
  • Definition - A low cheat or swindler.
  • Example - a dead beat
  • Definition - The instrumental portion of a piece of hip-hop music.
  • Example - a dead beat
  • Definition - The act of scouring, or ranging over, a tract of land to rouse or drive out game; also, those so engaged, collectively.
  • Example - a dead beat
  • Definition - A smart tap on the adversary's blade.
  • Example - a dead beat
  • Definition - To hit; strike
  • Example - As soon as she heard that her father had died, she went into a rage and beat the wall with her fists until her knuckles bled.
  • Synonyms - hammer knock pound strike whack
  • Definition - To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm.
  • Example - He danced hypnotically while she beat the atabaque.
  • Definition - To strike repeatedly; to inflict repeated blows; to knock vigorously or loudly.
  • Example - He danced hypnotically while she beat the atabaque.
  • Definition - To move with pulsation or throbbing.
  • Example - He danced hypnotically while she beat the atabaque.
  • Definition - To win against; to defeat or overcome; to do better than, outdo, or excel (someone) in a particular, competitive event.
  • Example - I just can't seem to beat the last level of this video game.
  • Definition - To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind.
  • Example - I just can't seem to beat the last level of this video game.
  • Definition - To strike (water, foliage etc.) in order to drive out game; to travel through (a forest etc.) for hunting.
  • Example - I just can't seem to beat the last level of this video game.
  • Definition - To mix food in a rapid fashion. Compare whip.
  • Example - Beat the eggs and whip the cream.
  • Definition - (In haggling for a price) of a buyer, to persuade the seller to reduce a price
  • Example - He wanted $50 for it, but I managed to beat him down to $35.
  • Synonyms - negotiate
  • Definition - To indicate by beating or drumming.
  • Example - to beat a retreat; to beat to quarters
  • Definition - To tread, as a path.
  • Example - to beat a retreat; to beat to quarters
  • Definition - To exercise severely; to perplex; to trouble.
  • Example - to beat a retreat; to beat to quarters
  • Definition - To be in agitation or doubt.
  • Example - to beat a retreat; to beat to quarters
  • Definition - To make a sound when struck.
  • Example - The drums beat.
  • Definition - To make a succession of strokes on a drum.
  • Example - The drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters.
  • Definition - To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and less intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect; said of instruments, tones, or vibrations, not perfectly in unison.
  • Example - The drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters.
  • Definition - To arrive at a place before someone.
  • Example - He beat me there.
  • Definition - To have sexual intercourse.
  • Example - Bruv, she came in just as we started to beat.
  • Synonyms - do it get it on have sex shag
  • Definition - To rob.
  • Example - He beat me out of 12 bucks last night.
  • Definition - Exhausted
  • Example - After the long day, she was feeling completely beat.
  • Definition - Dilapidated, beat up
  • Example - Dude, you drive a beat car like that and you ain’t gonna get no honeys.
  • Definition - Fabulous
  • Example - Her makeup was beat!
  • Definition - Boring
  • Example - Her makeup was beat!
  • Definition - (of a person) ugly
  • Example - Her makeup was beat!
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
abet 6 bate 6 beat 6 beta 6
3 Letter Words
bat 5 bet 5 tab 5 ate 3 eat 3 eta 3 tae 3 tea 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ae 2 at 2 et 2 ta 2 te 2