• Definition - Matted material; rough massed hair, fibres etc.
  • Definition - Coarse shredded tobacco.
  • Definition - A type of rough carpet pile.
  • Definition - Bacon or fat, especially if with some remaining hair or bristles.
  • Definition - A roughly-cut or torn-off piece of bread or cheese.
  • Definition - To make hairy or shaggy; to roughen.
  • Definition - To hang in shaggy clusters.
  • Definition - Hairy; shaggy.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
gash 8 hags 8 shag 8
3 Letter Words
hag 7 ahs 6 ash 6 has 6 sha 6 ags 4 gas 4 sag 4
2 Letter Words
ah 5 ha 5 sh 5 ag 3 as 2