• Definition - To take part in a race (in the sense of a contest).
  • Example - The drivers were racing around the track.
  • Definition - To compete against in such a race.
  • Example - I raced him to the car, but he was there first, so he got to ride shotgun.
  • Definition - To move or drive at high speed; to hurry or speed.
  • Example - As soon as it was time to go home, he raced for the door.
  • Definition - Of a motor, to run rapidly when not engaged to a transmission.
  • Example - As soon as it was time to go home, he raced for the door.
  • Definition - To assign a race to; to perceive as having a (usually specified) race.
  • Example - As soon as it was time to go home, he raced for the door.
  • Definition - (social studies) Belonging to a certain race of people.
  • Example - As soon as it was time to go home, he raced for the door.
  • Definition - To demolish; to level to the ground.
  • Example - As soon as it was time to go home, he raced for the door.
  • Definition - To scrape as if with a razor.
  • Example - As soon as it was time to go home, he raced for the door.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
acred 8 arced 8 cadre 8 cared 8 cedar 8 raced 8
4 Letter Words
aced 7 cade 7 card 7 cred 7 dace 7 acre 6 care 6 race 6 dare 5 dear 5 read 5
3 Letter Words
cad 6 ace 5 arc 5 car 5 rec 5 rad 4 red 4 are 3 ear 3 era 3
2 Letter Words
ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2 ar 2 er 2 re 2