• Definition - A silk banner attached to a bugle or trumpet.
  • Definition - A woman's or girl's sleeveless jerkin or loose overgarment.
  • Definition - A sleeveless garment made of coarse cloth formerly worn outdoors by the common people.
  • Definition - A cape or tunic worn by a knight, emblazoned with the coat of arms of his king or queen on the front.
  • Definition - A similar garment officially worn by a herald and emblazoned with his sovereign's coat of arms.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
batard 9 tabard 9
5 Letter Words
rabat 7
4 Letter Words
bard 7 brad 7 darb 7 drab 7 brat 6 dart 5 data 5 drat 5 trad 5
3 Letter Words
bad 6 dab 6 aba 5 arb 5 baa 5 bar 5 bat 5 bra 5 tab 5 rad 4 tad 4 art 3 rat 3 tar 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 ad 3 da 3 aa 2 ar 2 at 2 ta 2