• Definition - Prayer, later especially with a rosary.
  • Definition - Each in a string of small balls making up the rosary or paternoster.
  • Definition - A small, round object.
  • Definition - (heading) A ridge, band, or molding.
  • Definition - Knowledge sufficient to direct one's activities to a purpose.
  • Example - We now have a bead on the main technical issues for the project
  • Definition - A glassy drop of molten flux, as borax or microcosmic salt, used as a solvent and color test for several mineral earths and oxides, as of iron, manganese, etc., before the blowpipe.
  • Example - the borax bead;  the iron bead, etc.
  • Definition - Front sight of a gun.
  • Example - the borax bead;  the iron bead, etc.
  • Definition - To form into a bead.
  • Example - The raindrops beaded on the car's waxed finish.
  • Definition - To apply beads to.
  • Example - She spent the morning beading the gown.
  • Definition - To form into a bead.
  • Example - He beaded some solder for the ends of the wire.
  • Definition - To cause beads to form on (something).
  • Example - He beaded some solder for the ends of the wire.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
abed 7 bade 7 bead 7
3 Letter Words
bad 6 bed 6 dab 6 deb 6
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2