• Definition - To change place.
  • Definition - To change in state or status
  • Definition - To move through time.
  • Definition - To be accepted.
  • Definition - In any game, to decline to play in one's turn.
  • Definition - To do or be better.
  • Definition - To take heed.
  • Definition - To hurl; to cause an object to move rapidly through the air.
  • Example - throw a shoe; throw a javelin; the horse threw its rider
  • Synonyms - bowl bung buzz cast catapult chuck dash direct fire fling flip heave hurl launch lob pitch project propel send shoot shy sling toss whang
  • Definition - To eject or cause to fall off.
  • Example - throw a shoe; throw a javelin; the horse threw its rider
  • Synonyms - eject throw off
  • Definition - To move to another position or condition; to displace.
  • Example - throw the switch
  • Synonyms - displace relocate
  • Definition - To make (a pot) by shaping clay as it turns on a wheel.
  • Example - throw the switch
  • Definition - (of a bowler) to deliver (the ball) illegally by straightening the bowling arm during delivery.
  • Example - throw the switch
  • Definition - To send (an error) to an exception-handling mechanism in order to interrupt normal processing.
  • Example - If the file is read-only, the method throws an invalid-operation exception.
  • Definition - To intentionally lose a game.
  • Example - The tennis player was accused of taking bribes to throw the match.
  • Synonyms - take a dive
  • Definition - To confuse or mislead.
  • Example - The deliberate red herring threw me at first.
  • Definition - To send desperately.
  • Example - Their sergeant threw the troops into pitched battle.
  • Definition - To imprison.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To organize an event, especially a party.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To roll (a die or dice).
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To cause a certain number on the die or dice to be shown after rolling it.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To discard.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To lift the opponent off the ground and bring him back down, especially into a position behind the thrower.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - (said of one's voice) To change in order to give the illusion that the voice is that of someone else.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To show sudden emotion, especially anger.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To project or send forth.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To put on hastily; to spread carelessly.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To twist two or more filaments of (silk, etc.) so as to form one thread; to twist together, as singles, in a direction contrary to the twist of the singles themselves; sometimes applied to the whole class of operations by which silk is prepared for the weaver.
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - (of a team, a manager, etc.) To select (a pitcher); to assign a pitcher to a given role (such as starter or reliever).
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To install (a bridge).
  • Example - The magistrate ordered the suspect to be thrown into jail.
  • Definition - To twist or turn.
  • Example - a thrown nail
  • Definition - (said of animals) To give birth to.
  • Example - a thrown nail
  • Definition - The act by which something is thrown.
  • Example - a thrown nail
  • Definition - The process of making ceramic ware on the potter's wheel
  • Example - a thrown nail
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
ingrowth 15 throwing 15 worthing 15
7 Letter Words
whoring 14 trowing 11
6 Letter Words
growth 13 wright 13 thrown 12 righto 10 rowing 10 throng 10 towing 10 trigon 7
5 Letter Words
wight 12 rowth 11 throw 11 whort 11 worth 11 wroth 11 girth 9 grith 9 grown 9 hongi 9 night 9 ohing 9 owing 9 right 9 thing 9 thong 9 wring 9 wrong 9 north 8 rhino 8 thorn 8 giron 6 griot 6 groin 6 ingot 6 tigon 6 trigo 6 intro 5 nitro 5
4 Letter Words
whig 11 whin 10 whir 10 whit 10 with 10 goth 8 gown 8 grow 8 hong 8 nigh 8 twig 8 wing 8 hint 7 horn 7 nowt 7 thin 7 thio 7 thir 7 thro 7 town 7 trow 7 twin 7 wino 7 wont 7 worn 7 wort 7 writ 7 girn 5 giro 5 girt 5 grin 5 grit 5 grot 5 ring 5 ting 5 tong 5 trig 5 trog 5 inro 4 into 4 iron 4 noir 4 nori 4 riot 4 roti 4 tiro 4 tori 4 torn 4 trio 4
3 Letter Words
how 9 who 9 ghi 7 hog 7 wig 7 wog 7 hin 6 hit 6 hon 6 hot 6 noh 6 now 6 nth 6 own 6 owt 6 rho 6 row 6 tho 6 tow 6 two 6 win 6 wit 6 won 6 wot 6 gin 4 git 4 gor 4 got 4 nog 4 org 4 rig 4 tog 4 ion 3 nit 3 nor 3 not 3 ort 3 rin 3 rot 3 tin 3 ton 3 tor 3
2 Letter Words
hi 5 ho 5 oh 5 ow 5 wo 5 gi 3 go 3 in 2 it 2 no 2 oi 2 on 2 or 2 ti 2 to 2