• Definition - To manage, control, steer.
  • Example - to direct the affairs of a nation or the movements of an army
  • Definition - To aim (something) at (something else).
  • Example - He directed his question to the room in general.
  • Definition - To point out or show to (somebody) the right course or way; to guide, as by pointing out the way.
  • Example - He directed me to the left-hand road.
  • Definition - To point out to with authority; to instruct as a superior; to order.
  • Example - She directed them to leave immediately.
  • Definition - To put a direction or address upon; to mark with the name and residence of the person to whom anything is sent.
  • Example - to direct a letter
  • Definition - Proceeding without deviation or interruption.
  • Example - to direct a letter
  • Definition - Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end.
  • Example - the most direct route between two buildings
  • Definition - Straightforward; sincere.
  • Example - the most direct route between two buildings
  • Definition - Immediate; express; plain; unambiguous.
  • Example - the most direct route between two buildings
  • Definition - In the line of descent; not collateral.
  • Example - a descendant in the direct line
  • Definition - In the direction of the general planetary motion, or from west to east; in the order of the signs; not retrograde; said of the motion of a celestial body.
  • Example - a descendant in the direct line
  • Definition - Pertaining to, or effected immediately by, action of the people through their votes instead of through one or more representatives or delegates.
  • Example - direct nomination; direct legislation
  • Definition - (travel) having a single flight number.
  • Example - direct nomination; direct legislation
  • Definition - Directly.
  • Example - direct nomination; direct legislation
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
credit 9 direct 9 triced 9
5 Letter Words
cider 8 cited 8 cried 8 dicer 8 edict 8 riced 8 citer 7 recit 7 recti 7 trice 7 tired 6 tried 6
4 Letter Words
cedi 7 cred 7 dice 7 iced 7 cert 6 cire 6 cite 6 crit 6 etic 6 rice 6 diet 5 dire 5 dirt 5 dite 5 edit 5 ired 5 ride 5 tide 5 tied 5 rite 4 tier 4 tire 4
3 Letter Words
ice 5 rec 5 tec 5 tic 5 die 4 dit 4 red 4 rid 4 ted 4 ire 3 rei 3 ret 3 tie 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 id 3 er 2 et 2 it 2 re 2 te 2 ti 2