• Definition - To squeeze through a ricer; to mash or make into rice-sized pieces (especially potatoes).
  • Definition - To harvest wild rice (Zizania sp.)
  • Definition - To throw rice at a person (usually at a wedding).
  • Definition - To customize the user interface of a computer system, e.g. a desktop environment.
  • Definition - Made into or consisting of finely minced pieces resembling rice
  • Example - riced cauliflower
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
cider 8 cried 8 dicer 8 riced 8
4 Letter Words
cedi 7 cred 7 dice 7 iced 7 cire 6 rice 6 dire 5 ired 5 ride 5
3 Letter Words
ice 5 rec 5 die 4 red 4 rid 4 ire 3 rei 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 id 3 er 2 re 2