• Definition - A loss or tearing of paper from the back of a stamp, although not sufficient to create a complete hole.
  • Definition - Any food produced or served in thin slices.
  • Example - chocolate mint thins
  • Definition - To make thin or thinner.
  • Example - chocolate mint thins
  • Definition - To become thin or thinner.
  • Example - The crowds thinned after the procession had passed: there was nothing more to see.
  • Definition - To dilute.
  • Example - The crowds thinned after the procession had passed: there was nothing more to see.
  • Definition - To remove some plants or parts of plants in order to improve the growth of what remains.
  • Example - The crowds thinned after the procession had passed: there was nothing more to see.
  • Definition - Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite.
  • Example - thin plate of metal;  thin paper;  thin board;  thin covering
  • Definition - Very narrow in all diameters; having a cross section that is small in all directions.
  • Example - thin wire;  thin string
  • Definition - Having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt.
  • Example - thin person
  • Definition - Of low viscosity or low specific gravity.
  • Example - Water is thinner than honey.
  • Definition - Scarce; not close, crowded, or numerous; not filling the space.
  • Example - The trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin.
  • Definition - Describing a poorly played golf shot where the ball is struck by the bottom part of the club head. See fat, shank, toe.
  • Example - The trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin.
  • Definition - Lacking body or volume; small; feeble; not full.
  • Example - The trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin.
  • Definition - Slight; small; slender; flimsy; superficial; inadequate; not sufficient for a covering.
  • Example - a thin disguise
  • Definition - Not thickly or closely; in a scattered state.
  • Example - seed sown thin
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
hint 7 thin 7
3 Letter Words
hin 6 hit 6 nth 6 nit 3 tin 3
2 Letter Words
hi 5 in 2 it 2 ti 2