• Definition - (spinning) A rod used for spinning and then winding natural fibres (especially wool), usually consisting of a shaft and a circular whorl positioned at either the upper or lower end of the shaft when suspended vertically from the forming thread.
  • Definition - A rod which turns, or on which something turns.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - A rotary axis of a machine tool or power tool.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - Certain of the species of the genus Euonymus, originally used for making the spindles used for spinning wool.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - An upright spike for holding paper documents by skewering.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - The fusee of a watch.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - A long and slender stalk resembling a spindle.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - A yarn measure containing, in cotton yarn, 15,120 yards; in linen yarn, 14,400 yards.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - A solid generated by the revolution of a curved line about its base or double ordinate or chord.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - Any marine univalve shell of the genus Tibia; a spindle stromb.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - Any marine gastropod with a spindle-shaped shell formerly in one of the three invalid genera called Fusus.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - A cytoskeletal structure formed during mitosis
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - (coastal New Jersey) a dragonfly, calque of Swedish slända (dragonfly/spindle), introduced by New Sweden settlers.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - To make into a long tapered shape.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - To take on a long tapered shape.
  • Example - the spindle of a vane
  • Definition - To impale on a device for holding paper documents.
  • Example - Do not fold, spindle or mutilate this document.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
spindle 10 splined 10
6 Letter Words
dispel 9 lisped 9 sliped 9 sniped 9 spiled 9 spined 9 pensil 8 spinel 8 spline 8
5 Letter Words
pends 8 piled 8 pined 8 plied 8 siped 8 spend 8 spied 8 peins 7 penis 7 piles 7 pines 7 plies 7 slipe 7 snipe 7 speil 7 spiel 7 spile 7 spine 7 deils 6 delis 6 dines 6 idles 6 isled 6 lends 6 lined 6 nides 6 sidle 6 slide 6 snide 6 lenis 5 liens 5 lines 5
4 Letter Words
deps 7 dips 7 peds 7 pend 7 pied 7 pled 7 sped 7 lipe 6 lips 6 lisp 6 nips 6 pein 6 pens 6 pies 6 pile 6 pine 6 pins 6 plie 6 sipe 6 slip 6 snip 6 spin 6 deil 5 deli 5 dels 5 deni 5 dens 5 desi 5 diel 5 dies 5 dine 5 dins 5 elds 5 ends 5 ides 5 idle 5 lend 5 lids 5 lied 5 nide 5 send 5 side 5 sild 5 sled 5 slid 5 sned 5 isle 4 leis 4 lens 4 lien 4
3 Letter Words
dep 6 dip 6 ped 6 lip 5 nip 5 pen 5 pes 5 pie 5 pin 5 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 del 4 den 4 die 4 din 4 dis 4 eds 4 eld 4 end 4 ids 4 led 4 lid 4 els 3 ens 3 ins 3 lei 3 les 3 lie 3 lin 3 lis 3 nil 3 sei 3 sel 3 sen 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 de 3 ed 3 id 3 el 2 en 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 li 2 ne 2 si 2