• Definition - A layer of material.
  • Example - two-ply toilet paper
  • Definition - A strand that, twisted together with other strands, makes up rope or yarn.
  • Example - two-ply toilet paper
  • Definition - Short for plywood.
  • Example - two-ply toilet paper
  • Definition - In two-player sequential games, a "half-turn" or a move made by one of the players.
  • Example - He proposed to build Deep Purple, a super-computer capable of 24-ply look-ahead for chess.
  • Definition - A condition, a state.
  • Example - He proposed to build Deep Purple, a super-computer capable of 24-ply look-ahead for chess.
  • Definition - To bend; to fold; to mould; to adapt, to modify; to change (a person's) mind, to cause (a person) to submit.
  • Example - He proposed to build Deep Purple, a super-computer capable of 24-ply look-ahead for chess.
  • Definition - To bend, to flex; to be bent by something, to give way or yield (to a force, etc.).
  • Example - He proposed to build Deep Purple, a super-computer capable of 24-ply look-ahead for chess.
  • Definition - To work at (something) diligently.
  • Example - He plied his trade as carpenter for forty-three years.
  • Definition - To wield or use (a tool, a weapon, etc.) steadily or vigorously.
  • Example - He plied his ax with bloody results.
  • Definition - To press upon; to urge persistently.
  • Example - to ply someone with questions or solicitations
  • Definition - To persist in offering something to, especially for the purpose of inducement or persuasion.
  • Example - to ply someone with drink
  • Definition - To travel over (a route) regularly.
  • Example - The steamer plies between several ports on the coast.
  • Definition - To work diligently.
  • Example - The steamer plies between several ports on the coast.
  • Definition - To manoeuvre a sailing vessel so that the direction of the wind changes from one side of the vessel to the other; to work to windward, to beat, to tack.
  • Example - The steamer plies between several ports on the coast.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
piles 7 plies 7 slipe 7 speil 7 spiel 7 spile 7
4 Letter Words
lipe 6 lips 6 lisp 6 pies 6 pile 6 plie 6 sipe 6 slip 6 isle 4 leis 4 lies 4
3 Letter Words
lip 5 pes 5 pie 5 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 els 3 lei 3 les 3 lie 3 lis 3 sei 3 sel 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 el 2 es 2 is 2 li 2 si 2