• Definition - To spill or mix printing type.
  • Definition - A type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling.
  • Example - The family had steak and kidney pie for dinner and cherry pie for dessert.
  • Definition - Any of various other, non-pastry dishes that maintain the general concept of a shell with a filling.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - (Northeastern US) A pizza.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - The whole of a wealth or resource, to be divided in parts.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - (letterpress) A disorderly mess of spilt type.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - An especially badly bowled ball.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - A pie chart.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - The vulva.
  • Example - Shepherd's pie is made of mince covered with mashed potato.
  • Definition - To hit in the face with a pie, either for comic effect or as a means of protest (see also pieing).
  • Example - I'd like to see someone pie the chairman of the board.
  • Definition - To go around (a corner) in a guarded manner.
  • Example - I'd like to see someone pie the chairman of the board.
  • Definition - (of printing types) To reduce to confusion; to jumble.
  • Example - I'd like to see someone pie the chairman of the board.
  • Definition - Magpie.
  • Example - I'd like to see someone pie the chairman of the board.
  • Definition - The smallest unit of currency in South Asia, equivalent to 1/192 of a rupee or 1/12 of an anna.
  • Example - I'd like to see someone pie the chairman of the board.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
pies 6 sipe 6
3 Letter Words
pes 5 pie 5 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 sei 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 es 2 is 2 si 2