• Definition - To succeed; to prosper, be lucky.
  • Definition - To help someone, to give them fortune; to aid or favour.
  • Example - God speed, until we meet again.
  • Definition - To go fast.
  • Example - The Ferrari was speeding along the road.
  • Definition - To exceed the speed limit.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To increase the rate at which something occurs.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To be under the influence of stimulant drugs, especially amphetamines.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To be expedient.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To hurry to destruction; to put an end to; to ruin.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To wish success or good fortune to, in any undertaking, especially in setting out upon a journey.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To cause to make haste; to dispatch with celerity; to drive at full speed; hence, to hasten; to hurry.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
  • Definition - To hasten to a conclusion; to expedite.
  • Example - Why do you speed when the road is so icy?
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
deps 7 peds 7 sped 7
3 Letter Words
dep 6 ped 6 pes 5 eds 4
2 Letter Words
pe 4 de 3 ed 3 es 2