• Definition - An attempt to find something.
  • Example - With only five minutes until we were meant to leave, the search for the keys started in earnest.
  • Definition - The act of searching in general.
  • Example - Search is a hard problem for computers to solve efficiently.
  • Definition - To look in (a place) for something.
  • Example - I searched the garden for the keys and found them in the vegetable patch.
  • Definition - (followed by "for") To look thoroughly.
  • Example - The police are searching for evidence in his flat.
  • Definition - To look for, seek.
  • Example - The police are searching for evidence in his flat.
  • Definition - To probe or examine (a wound).
  • Example - The police are searching for evidence in his flat.
  • Definition - To examine; to try; to put to the test.
  • Example - The police are searching for evidence in his flat.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
arches 11 chares 11 chaser 11 eschar 11 search 11
5 Letter Words
aches 10 chare 10 chars 10 chase 10 crash 10 reach 10 hares 8 hears 8 rheas 8 share 8 shear 8 acres 7 cares 7 carse 7 escar 7 races 7 scare 7 serac 7
4 Letter Words
ache 9 arch 9 cash 9 char 9 each 9 haes 7 hare 7 hear 7 hers 7 rash 7 resh 7 rhea 7 shea 7 aces 6 acre 6 arcs 6 care 6 cars 6 case 6 race 6 recs 6 scar 6 ares 4 arse 4 ears 4 eras 4 rase 4 sear 4 sera 4
3 Letter Words
ahs 6 ash 6 hae 6 has 6 her 6 hes 6 rah 6 sha 6 she 6 ace 5 arc 5 car 5 rec 5 sac 5 sec 5 are 3 ars 3 ear 3 era 3 ers 3 ras 3 res 3 sae 3 sea 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 sh 5 ae 2 ar 2 as 2 er 2 es 2 re 2