• Definition - A charred substance.
  • Definition - To burn something to charcoal.
  • Definition - To burn slightly or superficially so as to affect colour.
  • Definition - One of the several species of fishes of the genus Salvelinus.
  • Example - Among other native delicacies, they give you fresh char.
  • Definition - A time; a turn or occasion.
  • Example - Among other native delicacies, they give you fresh char.
  • Definition - A turn of work; a labour or item of business.
  • Example - Among other native delicacies, they give you fresh char.
  • Definition - An odd job, a chore or piece of housework.
  • Example - Among other native delicacies, they give you fresh char.
  • Definition - A charlady, a woman employed to do housework; cleaning lady.
  • Example - I had to scrub the kitchen today, because the char couldn't come.
  • Definition - To turn, especially away or aside.
  • Example - I had to scrub the kitchen today, because the char couldn't come.
  • Definition - To work, especially to do housework; to work by the day, without being a regularly hired servant.
  • Example - I had to scrub the kitchen today, because the char couldn't come.
  • Definition - To perform; to do; to finish.
  • Example - I had to scrub the kitchen today, because the char couldn't come.
  • Definition - To work or hew (stone, etc.).
  • Example - I had to scrub the kitchen today, because the char couldn't come.
  • Definition - A character (text element such as a letter or symbol).
  • Example - I had to scrub the kitchen today, because the char couldn't come.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
chars 10 crash 10
4 Letter Words
arch 9 cash 9 char 9 rash 7 arcs 6 cars 6 scar 6
3 Letter Words
ahs 6 ash 6 has 6 rah 6 sha 6 arc 5 car 5 sac 5 ars 3 ras 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 ha 5 sh 5 ar 2 as 2