• Definition - The act of one who chases another; a pursuit.
  • Definition - A hunt.
  • Definition - A children's game where one player chases another.
  • Definition - A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted.
  • Definition - Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war.
  • Definition - A wild animal that is hunted.
  • Definition - Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase.
  • Definition - (real tennis) The occurrence of a second bounce by the ball in certain areas of the court, giving the server the chance, later in the game, to "play off" the chase from the receiving end and possibly win the point.
  • Definition - (real tennis) A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive the ball in order to gain a point.
  • Definition - One or more riders who are ahead of the peloton and trying to join the race or stage leaders.
  • Definition - To pursue.
  • Definition - To consume another beverage immediately after drinking hard liquor, typically something better tasting or less harsh such as soda or beer; to use a drink as a chaser
  • Example - I need something to chase this shot with.
  • Definition - To attempt to win by scoring the required number of runs in the final innings.
  • Example - Australia will be chasing 217 for victory on the final day.
  • Definition - To swing at a pitch outside of the strike zone, typically an outside pitch
  • Example - Australia will be chasing 217 for victory on the final day.
  • Definition - To produce enough offense to cause the pitcher to be removed
  • Example - The rally chased the starter.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
aches 10 chase 10
4 Letter Words
ache 9 cash 9 each 9 haes 7 shea 7 aces 6 case 6
3 Letter Words
ahs 6 ash 6 hae 6 has 6 hes 6 sha 6 she 6 ace 5 sac 5 sec 5 sae 3 sea 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 sh 5 ae 2 as 2 es 2