• Definition - The act of reserving, withholding or keeping back.
  • Example - The committee authorised the reservation of funds.
  • Definition - Something that is withheld or kept back.
  • Example - The committee authorised the reservation of funds.
  • Definition - (often in the plural) A limiting qualification; a doubt.
  • Example - I have reservations about your intentions.
  • Definition - A tract of land set apart by the US government for the use of a Native American people; Indian reservation (compare Canadian reserve).
  • Example - I have reservations about your intentions.
  • Definition - An arrangement by which accommodation or transport arrangements are secured in advance.
  • Example - I have a hotel reservation in the name of Mr Smith.
  • Definition - The area which separates opposing lanes of traffic on a divided motorway or dual carriageway; see also central reservation.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - The setting aside of a certain percentage of vacancies in government institutions for members of backward and underrepresented communities (defined primarily by caste and tribe).
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A place where anything is kept in store
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A small intercellular space, often containing resin, essential oil, or some other secreted matter.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A supply or source of something.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A species that acts as host to a zoonosis when it is not causing acute illness in other susceptible species.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - The place where one lives; one's home.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A building used as a home.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - The place where a corporation is established.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - The state of living in a particular place or environment.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - Accommodation for students at a university or college.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - The place where anything rests permanently.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - Subsidence, as of a sediment
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - That which falls to the bottom of liquors; sediment; also, refuse; residuum.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - A strong will, determination.
  • Example - A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.
  • Definition - The state of being resolute.
  • Example - His stalwart resolution is perhaps admirable, perhaps foolish.
  • Definition - A statement of intent, a vow
  • Example - By February, most New Year's resolutions are forgotten.   My resolution is to cut back on the fast food this year.
  • Definition - The act of discerning detail.
  • Example - By February, most New Year's resolutions are forgotten.   My resolution is to cut back on the fast food this year.
  • Definition - (computing, photography) The degree of fineness with which an image can be recorded or produced, often expressed as the number of pixels per unit of length (typically an inch).
  • Example - Printing at higher resolution will cause a reduction in performance.
  • Definition - The number of pixels in an image being stored or displayed.
  • Example - This monitor's maximum resolution is 1600 × 1200.
  • Definition - The process of determining the meaning of a symbol or address; lookup.
  • Example - name resolution
  • Definition - The act or process of solving; solution.
  • Example - the resolution of an equation
  • Definition - A formal statement adopted by an assembly, or during any other formal meeting.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - The separation of the constituent parts (of a spectrum etc).
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - The degree of fineness of such a separation.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - Progression from dissonance to consonance; a chord to which such progression is made.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - The moment in which the conflict ends and the outcome of the action is clear.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - In a pathological process, the phase during which pathogens and damaged tissues are removed by macrophages.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - To raise from the dead, to bring life back to.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Synonyms - revive
  • Definition - To restore to a working state.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - To bring back to view or attention; reinstate.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - The act of arising from the dead and becoming alive again.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - Bodysnatching
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Definition - A base of Russian espionage operations within a foreign country.
  • Example - The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
  • Synonyms - residence residency
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
ers 3 res 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
er 2 es 2 re 2