• Definition - Class; kind.
  • Definition - (grammar) A division of nouns and pronouns (and sometimes of other parts of speech) into masculine or feminine, and sometimes other categories like neuter or common, and animate or inanimate.
  • Definition - (now sometimes proscribed) Sex (a category such as "male" or "female" into which sexually-reproducing organisms are divided on the basis of their reproductive roles in their species).
  • Example - The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, gender, and other factors.
  • Definition - Identification as a man, a woman or something else, and association with a (social) role or set of behavioral and cultural traits, clothing, etc; a category to which a person belongs on this basis. (Compare gender role, gender identity.)
  • Example - The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, gender, and other factors.
  • Definition - (hardware) The quality which distinguishes connectors, which may be male (fitting into another connector) and female (having another connector fit into it), or genderless/androgynous (capable of fitting together with another connector of the same type).
  • Example - The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, gender, and other factors.
  • Definition - To assign a gender to (a person); to perceive as having a gender; to address using terms (pronouns, nouns, adjectives...) that express a certain gender.
  • Example - The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, gender, and other factors.
  • Definition - To perceive (a thing) as having characteristics associated with a certain gender, or as having been authored by someone of a certain gender.
  • Example - The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, gender, and other factors.
  • Definition - Sound uttered by the mouth, especially by human beings in speech or song; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character
  • Example - His low voice allowed him to become a bass in the choir.
  • Definition - Sound made through vibration of the vocal cords; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; — distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in whispering and voiceless consonants.
  • Example - His low voice allowed him to become a bass in the choir.
  • Definition - The tone or sound emitted by an object
  • Example - His low voice allowed him to become a bass in the choir.
  • Definition - The faculty or power of utterance
  • Example - to cultivate the voice
  • Definition - That which is communicated; message; meaning.
  • Example - to cultivate the voice
  • Definition - An expressed opinion, choice, will, desire, or wish; the right or ability to make such expression or to have it considered
  • Example - to cultivate the voice
  • Definition - Command; precept.
  • Example - to cultivate the voice
  • Definition - One who speaks; a speaker.
  • Example - to cultivate the voice
  • Definition - A particular style or way of writing that expresses a certain tone or feeling.
  • Example - to cultivate the voice
  • Definition - (grammar) A particular way of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses.
  • Example - The verbal system of Latin has two voices, active and passive.
  • Definition - In harmony, an independent vocal or instrumental part in a piece of composition.
  • Example - The theme of this piece constantly migrates between the three voice parts.
  • Definition - (IRC) A flag associated with a user on a channel, determining whether or not they can send messages to the channel.
  • Example - The theme of this piece constantly migrates between the three voice parts.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
gender 8
5 Letter Words
edger 7 greed 7 ender 6 genre 6 green 6
4 Letter Words
dreg 6 edge 6 geed 6 deer 5 dene 5 dere 5 dree 5 eger 5 gene 5 gree 5 need 5 nerd 5 rede 5 reed 5 rend 5 erne 4
3 Letter Words
ged 5 dee 4 den 4 end 4 eng 4 erg 4 gee 4 gen 4 neg 4 red 4 reg 4 ere 3 ern 3 nee 3 ree 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 en 2 er 2 ne 2 re 2