• Definition - Of a horse, pack animal, etc.: to move forward; go faster; or turn in a direction away from the driver, typically to the right.
  • Example - This horse won’t gee when I tell him to.
  • Definition - To cause an animal to move in this way.
  • Example - You may need to walk up to the front of the pack and physically gee the lead dog.
  • Definition - To agree; to harmonize.
  • Example - You may need to walk up to the front of the pack and physically gee the lead dog.
  • Definition - To suit or fit
  • Example - You may need to walk up to the front of the pack and physically gee the lead dog.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
edge 6 geed 6
3 Letter Words
ged 5 dee 4 gee 4
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3