• Definition - A ruminant mammal with antlers and hooves of the family Cervidae, or one of several similar animals from related families of the order Artiodactyla
  • Definition - (in particular) one of the smaller animals of this family, distinguished from a moose or elk
  • Example - I wrecked my car after a deer ran across the road.
  • Definition - The meat of such an animal; venison.
  • Example - Oh, I've never had deer before.
  • Definition - (except in the phrase "small deer") an animal, especially a quadrupedal mammal, as opposed to a bird, fish, etc.
  • Example - Oh, I've never had deer before.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
deer 5 dere 5 dree 5 rede 5 reed 5
3 Letter Words
dee 4 red 4 ere 3 ree 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 er 2 re 2