• Definition - To delay or postpone
  • Example - We're going to defer the decision until we have all the facts.
  • Definition - After winning the opening coin toss, to postpone until the start of the second half a team's choice of whether to kick off or receive (and to allow the opposing team to make this choice at the start of the first half).
  • Example - We're going to defer the decision until we have all the facts.
  • Definition - To delay, to wait.
  • Example - We're going to defer the decision until we have all the facts.
  • Definition - To submit to the opinion or desire of another in respect to their judgment or authority.
  • Example - We're going to defer the decision until we have all the facts.
  • Definition - To render, to offer.
  • Example - We're going to defer the decision until we have all the facts.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
defers 10
5 Letter Words
defer 9 feeds 9 freed 9 refed 9 feres 8 frees 8 reefs 8 deers 6 drees 6 redes 6 reeds 6 seder 6 sered 6
4 Letter Words
feds 8 feed 8 fees 7 fere 7 free 7 reef 7 refs 7 serf 7 deer 5 dees 5 dere 5 dree 5 rede 5 reds 5 reed 5 seed 5 rees 4 seer 4 sere 4
3 Letter Words
def 7 fed 7 efs 6 fee 6 fer 6 fes 6 ref 6 dee 4 eds 4 red 4 ere 3 ers 3 ree 3 res 3 see 3 ser 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fe 5 de 3 ed 3 er 2 es 2 re 2