• Definition - A fertilized and ripened ovule, containing an embryonic plant.
  • Definition - Any small seed-like fruit.
  • Example - If you plant a seed in the spring, you may have a pleasant surprise in the autumn.
  • Definition - Any propagative portion of a plant which may be sown, such as true seeds, seed-like fruits, tubers, or bulbs.
  • Example - If you plant a seed in the spring, you may have a pleasant surprise in the autumn.
  • Definition - (collective) An amount of seeds that cannot be readily counted.
  • Example - The entire field was covered with geese eating the freshly sown seed.
  • Definition - A fragment of coral.
  • Example - The entire field was covered with geese eating the freshly sown seed.
  • Definition - Semen.
  • Example - A man must use his seed to start and raise a family.
  • Definition - A precursor.
  • Example - the seed of an idea; which idea was the seed (idea)?
  • Synonyms - germ
  • Definition - The initial state, condition or position of a changing, growing or developing process; the ultimate precursor in a defined chain of precursors.
  • Example - the seed of an idea; which idea was the seed (idea)?
  • Definition - Offspring, descendants, progeny.
  • Example - the seed of Abraham
  • Definition - Race; generation; birth.
  • Example - the seed of Abraham
  • Definition - A small bubble formed in imperfectly fused glass.
  • Example - the seed of Abraham
  • Definition - To plant or sow an area with seeds.
  • Example - I seeded my lawn with bluegrass.
  • Definition - To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations.
  • Example - I seeded my lawn with bluegrass.
  • Definition - To start; to provide, assign or determine the initial resources for, position of, state of.
  • Example - A venture capitalist seeds young companies.
  • Definition - To allocate a seeding to a competitor.
  • Example - A venture capitalist seeds young companies.
  • Definition - To leave (files) available for others to download through peer-to-peer file sharing protocols (e.g. BitTorrent).
  • Example - A venture capitalist seeds young companies.
  • Definition - To be qualified to compete, especially in a quarter-final, semi-final or final.
  • Example - The tennis player seeded into the quarters.
  • Definition - To produce seed.
  • Example - The tennis player seeded into the quarters.
  • Definition - To grow to maturity.
  • Example - The tennis player seeded into the quarters.
  • Definition - To ejaculate inside the penetratee during intercourse, especially in the rectum.
  • Example - The tennis player seeded into the quarters.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
dees 5 seed 5
3 Letter Words
dee 4 eds 4 see 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 es 2