• Definition - A musical instrument consisting of a flexible metal or bamboo “tongue” attached to a frame. This tongue is placed in the performer’s mouth and plucked with the finger to produce a note of constant pitch. Melodies can be created by changing the shape of the mouth and causing different overtones.
  • Definition - The suit, in a game of cards, that outranks all others.
  • Example - Diamonds were declared trump(s).
  • Definition - A playing card of that suit.
  • Example - He played an even higher trump.
  • Definition - Something that gives one an advantage, especially one held in reserve.
  • Example - He played an even higher trump.
  • Definition - An excellent person; a fine fellow, a good egg.
  • Example - He played an even higher trump.
  • Definition - An old card game, almost identical to whist; the game of ruff.
  • Example - He played an even higher trump.
  • Definition - A card of the major arcana of the tarot.
  • Example - He played an even higher trump.
  • Definition - To play on (a card of another suit) with a trump.
  • Example - He knew the hand was lost when his ace was trumped.
  • Definition - To play a trump, or to take a trick with a trump.
  • Example - He knew the hand was lost when his ace was trumped.
  • Definition - To get the better of, or finesse, a competitor.
  • Example - He knew the hand was lost when his ace was trumped.
  • Definition - To impose unfairly; to palm off.
  • Example - He knew the hand was lost when his ace was trumped.
  • Definition - To supersede.
  • Example - In this election, it would seem issues of national security trumped economic issues.
  • Definition - To outweigh; be stronger, greater, bigger than or in other way superior to.
  • Example - In this election, it would seem issues of national security trumped economic issues.
  • Definition - A trumpet.
  • Example - In this election, it would seem issues of national security trumped economic issues.
  • Definition - Flatulence.
  • Example - In this election, it would seem issues of national security trumped economic issues.
  • Definition - The noise made by an elephant through its trunk.
  • Example - In this election, it would seem issues of national security trumped economic issues.
  • Definition - To blow a trumpet.
  • Example - In this election, it would seem issues of national security trumped economic issues.
  • Definition - To flatulate.
  • Example - And without warning me, as he lay there, he suddenly trumped next to me in bed.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
trumps 10
5 Letter Words
rumps 9 stump 9 trump 9 tumps 9 spurt 7 strum 7 turps 7
4 Letter Words
rump 8 sump 8 tump 8 umps 8 must 6 muts 6 purs 6 puts 6 rums 6 smut 6 spur 6 stum 6 tums 6 tups 6 urps 6 rust 4 ruts 4
3 Letter Words
ump 7 mus 5 mut 5 pst 5 pur 5 pus 5 put 5 rum 5 sum 5 sup 5 tum 5 tup 5 ums 5 ups 5 urp 5 rut 3 uts 3
2 Letter Words
mu 4 um 4 up 4 us 2 ut 2