• Definition - Something that is mandatory or required.
  • Example - If you'll be out all day, a map is a must.
  • Synonyms - imperative
  • Definition - (modal auxiliary, defective) To do with certainty; indicates that the speaker is certain that the subject will have executed the predicate.
  • Example - If it has rained all day, it must be very wet outside.
  • Definition - (modal auxiliary, defective) To do as a requirement; indicates that the sentence subject is required as an imperative or directive to execute the sentence predicate, with failure to do so resulting in a negative consequence.
  • Example - This door handle must be rotated fully.
  • Definition - (modal auxiliary, defective) said about something that is very likely, probable, or certain to be true
  • Example - The children must be asleep by now.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
must 6 muts 6 smut 6 stum 6 tums 6
3 Letter Words
mus 5 mut 5 sum 5 tum 5 ums 5 uts 3
2 Letter Words
mu 4 um 4 us 2 ut 2