• Definition - The vibrating sound made by a cat in its throat when contented.
  • Definition - A throaty, seductive sound of pleasure made by a person.
  • Definition - The low consistent rumble made by an engine at slow speed
  • Definition - Of a cat, to make a vibrating sound in its throat when contented.
  • Definition - To say (something) in a throaty, seductive manner.
  • Definition - To make a vibrating throaty sound, as from pleasure.
  • Example - He purred like a kitten when she massaged his neck.
  • Definition - (of an engine) To make a low and consistent rumbling sound.
  • Example - He purred like a kitten when she massaged his neck.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
pur 5 urp 5
2 Letter Words
up 4