• Definition - A tropical disease causing a sore throat and tongue, and disturbed digestion; psilosis.
  • Definition - (founding) The hole through which melted metal is poured into the gate, and thence into the mold.
  • Definition - (founding) Material that cools in the feed channels to a mold.
  • Definition - To remove the sprues (material left in feed channels) from a cast piece.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
purses 8 sprues 8 supers 8
5 Letter Words
press 7 purse 7 puses 7 sprue 7 spues 7 spurs 7 super 7 supes 7 ruses 5 suers 5 users 5
4 Letter Words
pure 6 purs 6 puss 6 reps 6 seps 6 spue 6 spur 6 supe 6 sups 6 urps 6 rues 4 ruse 4 sers 4 suer 4 sues 4 sure 4 user 4 uses 4
3 Letter Words
per 5 pes 5 pur 5 pus 5 rep 5 sup 5 ups 5 urp 5 ers 3 ess 3 res 3 rue 3 ser 3 sue 3 sus 3 use 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 up 4 er 2 es 2 re 2 us 2