• Definition - Any activity that uses physical exertion or skills competitively under a set of rules that is not based on aesthetics.
  • Definition - Something done for fun, regardless of its design or intended purpose.
  • Example - Joe was banned from getting legal help. He seemed to view lawsuits as a sport.
  • Definition - A person who exhibits either good or bad sportsmanship.
  • Example - Jen may have won, but she was sure a poor sport; she laughed at the loser.
  • Definition - Somebody who behaves or reacts in an admirably good-natured manner, e.g. to being teased or to losing a game; a good sport.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - That which diverts, and makes mirth; pastime; amusement.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - Mockery, making fun; derision.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - A toy; a plaything; an object of mockery.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - Gaming for money as in racing, hunting, fishing.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - A plant or an animal, or part of a plant or animal, which has some peculiarity not usually seen in the species; an abnormal variety or growth. The term encompasses both mutants and organisms with non-genetic developmental abnormalities such as birth defects.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - A sportsman; a gambler.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - One who consorts with disreputable people, including prostitutes.
  • Example - You're such a sport! You never get upset when we tease you.
  • Definition - An amorous dalliance.
  • Example - Charlie and Lisa enjoyed a bit of sport after their hike.
  • Definition - (usually singular) A friend or acquaintance (chiefly used when speaking to the friend in question)
  • Example - Charlie and Lisa enjoyed a bit of sport after their hike.
  • Definition - Play; idle jingle.
  • Example - Charlie and Lisa enjoyed a bit of sport after their hike.
  • Definition - To amuse oneself, to play.
  • Example - children sporting on the green
  • Definition - To mock or tease, treat lightly, toy with.
  • Example - Jen sports with Bill's emotions.
  • Definition - To display; to have as a notable feature.
  • Example - Jen's sporting a new pair of shoes;  he was sporting a new wound from the combat
  • Definition - To divert; to amuse; to make merry.
  • Example - Jen's sporting a new pair of shoes;  he was sporting a new wound from the combat
  • Definition - To represent by any kind of play.
  • Example - Jen's sporting a new pair of shoes;  he was sporting a new wound from the combat
  • Definition - To practise the diversions of the field or the turf; to be given to betting, as upon races.
  • Example - Jen's sporting a new pair of shoes;  he was sporting a new wound from the combat
  • Definition - To assume suddenly a new and different character from the rest of the plant or from the type of the species; said of a bud, shoot, plant, or animal.
  • Example - Jen's sporting a new pair of shoes;  he was sporting a new wound from the combat
  • Definition - To close (a door).
  • Example - Jen's sporting a new pair of shoes;  he was sporting a new wound from the combat
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
ports 7 prost 7 sport 7 strop 7
4 Letter Words
opts 6 port 6 post 6 pots 6 pros 6 spot 6 stop 6 tops 6 trop 6 orts 4 rots 4 sort 4 tors 4
3 Letter Words
ops 5 opt 5 pos 5 pot 5 pro 5 pst 5 sop 5 top 5 ors 3 ort 3 rot 3 sot 3 tor 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 po 4 or 2 os 2 so 2 to 2