• Definition - A long dowel or plank protruding from the ground; a fencepost; a lightpost.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - A stud; a two-by-four.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - A pole in a battery.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - A long, narrow piece inserted into a root canal to provide retention for a crown.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - (chiefly a cappella) A prolonged final melody note, among moving harmony notes.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - A printing paper size measuring 19.25 inches x 15.5 inches.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - A goalpost.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - A location on a basketball court near the basket.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - The doorpost of a victualler's shop or inn, on which were chalked the scores of customers; hence, a score; a debt.
  • Example - ram a post into the ground
  • Definition - To hang (a notice) in a conspicuous manner for general review.
  • Example - Post no bills.
  • Definition - To hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation.
  • Example - to post someone for cowardice
  • Definition - To carry (an account) from the journal to the ledger.
  • Example - to post someone for cowardice
  • Definition - To inform; to give the news to; to make acquainted with the details of a subject; often with up.
  • Example - to post someone for cowardice
  • Definition - To pay (a blind).
  • Example - Since Jim was new to the game, he had to post $4 in order to receive a hand.
  • Definition - To put content online, usually through a publicly accessible mean, such as a video channel, gallery, message board, blog etc.
  • Example - Since Jim was new to the game, he had to post $4 in order to receive a hand.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
opts 6 post 6 pots 6 spot 6 stop 6 tops 6
3 Letter Words
ops 5 opt 5 pos 5 pot 5 pst 5 sop 5 top 5 sot 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 po 4 os 2 so 2 to 2