• Definition - A general type.
  • Definition - Manner; form of being or acting.
  • Definition - Condition above the vulgar; rank.
  • Definition - A person evaluated in a certain way (bad, good, strange, etc.).
  • Definition - Group, company.
  • Definition - A good-looking woman.
  • Definition - An act of sorting.
  • Example - I had a sort of my cupboard.
  • Definition - An algorithm for sorting a list of items into a particular sequence.
  • Example - Popular algorithms for sorts include quicksort and heapsort.
  • Definition - A piece of metal type used to print one letter, character, or symbol in a particular size and style.
  • Example - Popular algorithms for sorts include quicksort and heapsort.
  • Definition - A type.
  • Example - Popular algorithms for sorts include quicksort and heapsort.
  • Definition - Chance; lot; destiny.
  • Example - Popular algorithms for sorts include quicksort and heapsort.
  • Definition - A full set of anything, such as a pair of shoes, or a suit of clothes.
  • Example - Popular algorithms for sorts include quicksort and heapsort.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
orts 4 rots 4 sort 4 tors 4
3 Letter Words
ors 3 ort 3 rot 3 sot 3 tor 3
2 Letter Words
or 2 os 2 so 2 to 2