• Definition - In a violin-family instrument, the carved wooden plug which sits in the bottom block of the instrument.
  • Definition - The spike of a cello or double bass that makes contact with the floor and supports the weight of the instrument.
  • Definition - A sort of very large nail.
  • Definition - A piece of pointed metal etc. set with points upward or outward.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - Anything resembling such a nail in shape.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - An ear of corn or grain.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are arranged on an unbranched elongated axis.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - (chiefly in the plural) A running shoe with spikes in the sole to provide grip.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - A sharp peak in a graph.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - A surge in power or in the price of a commodity etc.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - The long, narrow part of a high-heeled shoe that elevates the heel.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - A long nail for storing papers by skewering them; (by extension) the metaphorical place where rejected newspaper articles are sent.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Synonyms - spindle
  • Definition - An attack from, usually, above the height of the net performed with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - An adolescent male deer.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - The casual ward of a workhouse.
  • Example - The trap was lined with spikes.
  • Definition - Spike lavender.
  • Example - oil of spike
  • Definition - To fasten with spikes, or long, large nails.
  • Example - to spike down planks
  • Definition - To set or furnish with spikes.
  • Example - to spike down planks
  • Definition - To embed nails into (a tree) so that any attempt to cut it down will damage equipment or injure people.
  • Example - to spike down planks
  • Definition - To fix on a spike.
  • Example - to spike down planks
  • Definition - To discard; to decide not to publish or make public.
  • Example - to spike down planks
  • Definition - To increase sharply.
  • Example - Traffic accidents spiked in December when there was ice on the roads.
  • Definition - To covertly put alcohol or another intoxicating substance into a drink.
  • Example - She spiked my lemonade with vodka!
  • Definition - To add a small amount of one substance to another.
  • Example - The water sample to be tested has been spiked with arsenic, antimony, mercury, and lead in quantities commonly found in industrial effluents.
  • Definition - To attack from, usually, above the height of the net with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.
  • Example - The water sample to be tested has been spiked with arsenic, antimony, mercury, and lead in quantities commonly found in industrial effluents.
  • Definition - To render (a gun) unusable by driving a metal spike into its touch hole.
  • Example - The water sample to be tested has been spiked with arsenic, antimony, mercury, and lead in quantities commonly found in industrial effluents.
  • Definition - (football slang) To slam the football to the ground, usually in celebration of scoring a touchdown, or to stop expiring time on the game clock after snapping the ball as to save time for the losing team to attempt to score the tying or winning points.
  • Example - The water sample to be tested has been spiked with arsenic, antimony, mercury, and lead in quantities commonly found in industrial effluents.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
kepis 11 pikes 11 spike 11
4 Letter Words
kepi 10 keps 10 kips 10 pike 10 skep 10 skip 10 spik 10 sike 8 pies 6 sipe 6
3 Letter Words
kep 9 kip 9 kis 7 ski 7 pes 5 pie 5 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 sei 3
2 Letter Words
ki 6 pe 4 pi 4 es 2 is 2 si 2