• Definition - To tend steadily upward or downward.
  • Example - The road slopes sharply down at that point.
  • Definition - To form with a slope; to give an oblique or slanting direction to; to incline or slant.
  • Example - to slope the ground in a garden;   to slope a piece of cloth in cutting a garment
  • Definition - (usually followed by a preposition) To try to move surreptitiously.
  • Example - I sloped in through the back door, hoping my boss wouldn't see me.
  • Definition - To hold a rifle at a slope with forearm perpendicular to the body in front holding the butt, the rifle resting on the shoulder.
  • Example - The order was given to "slope arms".
  • Definition - That has or have a slope.
  • Example - The order was given to "slope arms".
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
sloped 9
5 Letter Words
dopes 8 loped 8 plods 8 poled 8 posed 8 spode 8 lopes 7 poles 7 slope 7 doles 6 lodes 6 soled 6
4 Letter Words
deps 7 dope 7 oped 7 peds 7 pled 7 plod 7 pods 7 sped 7 epos 6 lope 6 lops 6 opes 6 peso 6 pole 6 pols 6 pose 6 slop 6 dels 5 does 5 dole 5 dols 5 dose 5 elds 5 lode 5 odes 5 olde 5 olds 5 sled 5 sold 5 lose 4 oles 4 sloe 4 sole 4
3 Letter Words
dep 6 ped 6 pod 6 lop 5 ope 5 ops 5 pes 5 pol 5 pos 5 sop 5 del 4 doe 4 dol 4 dos 4 eds 4 eld 4 led 4 ode 4 ods 4 old 4 sod 4 els 3 les 3 oes 3 ole 3 ose 3 sel 3 sol 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 pe 4 po 4 de 3 do 3 ed 3 od 3 el 2 es 2 lo 2 oe 2 os 2 so 2