• Definition - To propel by pushing with poles, to push with a pole.
  • Example - Huck Finn poled that raft southward down the Mississippi because going northward against the current was too much work.
  • Definition - To identify something quite precisely using a telescope.
  • Example - He poled off the serial of the Gulfstream to confirm its identity.
  • Definition - To furnish with poles for support.
  • Example - to pole beans or hops
  • Definition - To convey on poles.
  • Example - to pole hay into a barn
  • Definition - To stir, as molten glass, with a pole.
  • Example - to pole hay into a barn
  • Definition - To strike (the ball) very hard.
  • Example - to pole hay into a barn
  • Definition - To induce piezoelectricity in (a substance) by aligning the dipoles.
  • Example - to pole hay into a barn
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
loped 8 poled 8
4 Letter Words
dope 7 oped 7 pled 7 plod 7 lope 6 pole 6 dole 5 lode 5 olde 5
3 Letter Words
dep 6 ped 6 pod 6 lop 5 ope 5 pol 5 del 4 doe 4 dol 4 eld 4 led 4 ode 4 old 4 ole 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 pe 4 po 4 de 3 do 3 ed 3 od 3 el 2 lo 2 oe 2