• Definition - A strip of fabric which has been fluted or pleated.
  • Definition - A small ruff of fluted or pleated fabric worn at neck or wrist.
  • Definition - A pile of arched tiles, used to catch and retain oyster spawn.
  • Definition - To flute or pleat (fabric).
  • Example - ruched curtains
  • Definition - To bunch up (fabric); to ruck up.
  • Example - ruched curtains
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
ruches 11
5 Letter Words
chuse 10 crush 10 ruche 10 usher 8 cruse 7 cures 7 curse 7 ecrus 7 sucre 7
4 Letter Words
such 9 hers 7 hues 7 resh 7 rhus 7 rush 7 crus 6 cues 6 cure 6 curs 6 ecru 6 ecus 6 recs 6 rues 4 ruse 4 suer 4 sure 4 user 4
3 Letter Words
her 6 hes 6 hue 6 she 6 cru 5 cue 5 cur 5 ecu 5 rec 5 sec 5 ers 3 res 3 rue 3 ser 3 sue 3 use 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 sh 5 uh 5 er 2 es 2 re 2 us 2