• Definition - A method, device or medication that restores good health.
  • Definition - Act of healing or state of being healed; restoration to health after a disease, or to soundness after injury.
  • Definition - A solution to a problem.
  • Definition - A process of preservation, as by smoking.
  • Definition - A process of solidification or gelling.
  • Definition - A process whereby a material is caused to form permanent molecular linkages by exposure to chemicals, heat, pressure and/or weathering.
  • Definition - Care, heed, or attention.
  • Definition - Spiritual charge; care of soul; the office of a parish priest or of a curate.
  • Definition - That which is committed to the charge of a parish priest or of a curate.
  • Definition - To restore to health.
  • Example - Unaided nature cured him.
  • Synonyms - heal
  • Definition - To bring (a disease or its bad effects) to an end.
  • Example - Unaided nature cured his ailments.
  • Definition - To cause to be rid of (a defect).
  • Example - Experience will cure him of his naïveté.
  • Definition - To prepare or alter especially by chemical or physical processing for keeping or use.
  • Example - The smoke and heat cures the meat.
  • Definition - To bring about a cure of any kind.
  • Example - The smoke and heat cures the meat.
  • Definition - To be undergoing a chemical or physical process for preservation or use.
  • Example - The meat was put in the smokehouse to cure.
  • Definition - To preserve (food), typically by salting
  • Example - The meat was put in the smokehouse to cure.
  • Definition - To solidify or gel.
  • Example - The parts were curing in the autoclave.
  • Definition - To become healed.
  • Example - The parts were curing in the autoclave.
  • Definition - To pay heed; to care; to give attention.
  • Example - The parts were curing in the autoclave.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
cruse 7 cures 7 curse 7 ecrus 7 sucre 7
4 Letter Words
crus 6 cues 6 cure 6 curs 6 ecru 6 ecus 6 recs 6 rues 4 ruse 4 suer 4 sure 4 user 4
3 Letter Words
cru 5 cue 5 cur 5 ecu 5 rec 5 sec 5 ers 3 res 3 rue 3 ser 3 sue 3 use 3
2 Letter Words
er 2 es 2 re 2 us 2