• Definition - An act of purging.
  • Definition - An evacuation of the bowels or a vomiting.
  • Definition - A cleansing of pipes.
  • Definition - A forcible removal of people, for example, from political activity.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - That which purges; especially, a medicine that evacuates the intestines; a cathartic.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To clean thoroughly; to cleanse; to rid of impurities.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To remove by cleansing; to wash away.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To void or evacuate (the bowels or the stomach); to defecate or vomit.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To cause someone to purge, operate on (somebody) as or with a cathartic or emetic, or in a similar manner.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To clear of a charge, suspicion, or imputation
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To clarify; to clear the dregs from (liquor).
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To become pure, as by clarification.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To have or produce frequent evacuations from the intestines, as by means of a cathartic.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
  • Definition - To trim, dress or prune.
  • Example - Stalin liked to ensure that his purges were not reversible.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
purge 8
4 Letter Words
pure 6 grue 5 urge 5
3 Letter Words
peg 6 pug 6 per 5 pur 5 rep 5 urp 5 erg 4 reg 4 rug 4 rue 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 up 4 er 2 re 2