• Definition - To drop or throw something heavily onto or into something else, so that it makes a dull sound.
  • Example - Enrique plunked his money down on the counter with a sigh and bellied up to the bar.
  • Synonyms - flump thud
  • Definition - To land suddenly or heavily; to plump down.
  • Example - Enrique plunked his money down on the counter with a sigh and bellied up to the bar.
  • Definition - To intentionally hit the batter with a pitch.
  • Example - The Braves retaliated by plunking Harper in the next inning.
  • Definition - (of a raven) To croak.
  • Example - The Braves retaliated by plunking Harper in the next inning.
  • Definition - To pluck and quickly release (a musical string).
  • Example - The Braves retaliated by plunking Harper in the next inning.
  • Synonyms - twang
  • Definition - To be a truant from (school).
  • Example - The Braves retaliated by plunking Harper in the next inning.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
plunks 12
5 Letter Words
plunk 11 pulks 11 punks 11 spunk 11 lunks 9 slunk 9
4 Letter Words
pulk 10 punk 10 lunk 8 sulk 8 sunk 8 plus 6 puls 6 puns 6 spun 6 luns 4
3 Letter Words
suk 7 pul 5 pun 5 pus 5 sup 5 ups 5 lun 3 nus 3 sun 3 uns 3
2 Letter Words
up 4 nu 2 un 2 us 2