• Definition - A person used for sex, particularly:
  • Definition - A worthless person, particularly:
  • Definition - Short for punk rock, a genre known for short, loud, energetic songs with electric guitars and strong drums.
  • Definition - Short for punk rocker, a musician known for playing punk rock or a fan of the genre.
  • Definition - The larger nonconformist social movement associated with punk rock and its fans.
  • Definition - To pimp.
  • Definition - To forcibly perform anal sex upon an unwilling partner.
  • Example - Ricky punked his new cell-mates.
  • Definition - To prank.
  • Example - I got expelled when I punked the principal.
  • Definition - (especially with "out") To give up or concede; to act like a wimp.
  • Example - Jimmy was going to help me with the prank, but he punked (out) at the last minute.
  • Definition - (often with "out" or "up") To adapt or embellish in the style of the punk movement.
  • Example - Jimmy was going to help me with the prank, but he punked (out) at the last minute.
  • Definition - Any material used as tinder for lighting fires, such as agaric, dried wood, or touchwood, but especially wood altered by certain fungi.
  • Example - Jimmy was going to help me with the prank, but he punked (out) at the last minute.
  • Definition - A utensil for lighting wicks or fuses (such as those of fireworks) resembling stick incense.
  • Example - Jimmy was going to help me with the prank, but he punked (out) at the last minute.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
punks 11 spunk 11
4 Letter Words
punk 10 sunk 8 puns 6 spun 6
3 Letter Words
suk 7 pun 5 pus 5 sup 5 ups 5 nus 3 sun 3 uns 3
2 Letter Words
up 4 nu 2 un 2 us 2