• Definition - The sharp, quick sound of a vibrating tight string, for example, of a bow or a musical instrument.
  • Definition - A particular sharp vibrating sound characteristic of electric guitars.
  • Definition - A trace of a regional or foreign accent in someone's voice.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
  • Definition - The sound quality that appears in the human voice when the epilaryngeal tube is narrowed.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
  • Definition - A sharp, disagreeable taste or flavor.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
  • Definition - To produce or cause to produce a sharp vibrating sound, like a tense string pulled and suddenly let go.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
  • Definition - To have a nasal sound.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
  • Definition - To have a trace of a regional or foreign accent.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
  • Definition - To play a stringed musical instrument by plucking and snapping.
  • Example - Despite having lived in Canada for 20 years, he still has that Eastern-European twang in his voice.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
twang 9
4 Letter Words
gnaw 8 want 7 gnat 5 tang 5
3 Letter Words
wag 7 awn 6 naw 6 taw 6 twa 6 wan 6 wat 6 gan 4 gat 4 nag 4 tag 4 ant 3 tan 3
2 Letter Words
aw 5 ag 3 an 2 at 2 na 2 ta 2