• Definition - An oscillating movement.
  • Example - The wag of my dog's tail expresses happiness.
  • Definition - A witty person.
  • Example - The wag of my dog's tail expresses happiness.
  • Definition - To swing from side to side, such as of an animal's tail, or someone's head, to express disagreement or disbelief.
  • Example - The wag of my dog's tail expresses happiness.
  • Definition - To play truant from school.
  • Example - The wag of my dog's tail expresses happiness.
  • Definition - To be in action or motion; to move; progress.
  • Example - The wag of my dog's tail expresses happiness.
  • Definition - To go; to depart.
  • Example - The wag of my dog's tail expresses happiness.
Words in your word
3 Letter Words
wag 7
2 Letter Words
aw 5 ag 3